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The debut album from The Working Man is now here!


10 songs you can download or own on CD including Big Bad John, Chiles Molester and Baby's Last Dog.


You can now buy our debut album Lancashizer on Bandcamp and CD Baby through these links:


What do the fans think?


"Listened to it last night its left an indentation in my soul, other than that loved it xx"


"What can I say,  I am...... Disturbingly amazed, audibly psychologically abused but most of all honoured and proud to have witnessed seeing your live performance along with owning your debut record that smacks talent, current affairs and the unsaid in the face! The dark undercurrent of the album sounds out the honestly lost In today's taboo society. Your album is fantastic and endearing."


Don't forget to get your Official Working Man T-Shirts from Bandcamp too!

Buy the album from itunes on the button below!




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Check us out on soundcloud too where you can find new EPs.
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